
The Annex is a coworking facility to support remote workers, businesses, entrepreneurs and others that need a creative space and alternative working environment!

The Annex is the coworking project collaboration between LCEDC, Logan County, City of Sterling and several other state partners.  The facility was created with the idea of having a space to help locals have access to shared office resources and a place to connect with like minded freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers.  Currently, The Annex serves a wide array of members including 4 private office tenants that are using the facility as their businesses or programs evolve and grow.  There are also many community and business groups that have memberships to access the shared resources such as furnished conference room and meeting space.  Anybody interested in membership information can visit the membership website:

For more information contact LCEDC:


121 S. 4th St, Sterling, CO


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