LCEDC Awarded History Colorado Grant for Woolworth Building Project

Logan County Economic Development Corporation (LCEDC) has been approved for a $15,000 grant from History Colorado State Historical Fund to fund a Historic Structure Assessment of the Woolworth Building.    LCEDC has selected Hord Coplan Macht, a full service architectural firm with expertise in historic building restoration, to complete the assessment.  This work is expected to begin following the execution of the grant contract with History Colorado.

The need for this historic structure assessment is to determine whether any or all of the historic and architecturally unique elements of the property can be saved as well as identify and prioritize maintenance, repair and rehabilitation needs of the building so that LCEDC can create strategies to move this project forward.    The property consists of 18,700 square feet on two floors.  This property has been vacant for decades and is a key component in the overall revitalization of downtown Sterling.    The primary goal is to redevelop the building into a viable, adaptive multi-use space that enhances community engagement and gathering via connections to the arts, education, and businesses.

Significant progress has been made on the Woolworth Building redevelopment project.   Last fall, LCEDC was awarded a Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency.    The subsequent report identified asbestos with recommendation for removal of flooring.  LCEDC accepted ownership of the building in December 2015.   The floor abatement work was completed in March 2016.   LCEDC started the visioning process in February, incorporating community input with the assistance of CSU Extension Services.   The online survey process resulted in over 300 respondents who provided input on building usage, funding alternatives, and identified community needs.   LCEDC is currently evaluating survey results and with the completed structural assessment later this year, expects to have a refined vision and project direction as the foundation to begin fund-raising efforts for construction work.


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