Remote Work & Telecommuting Survey

Logan County Economic Development Corporation is reaching out to the community to gather input on remote work, telecommuting, and coworking opportunities. The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade chose Logan County and the City of Sterling as recipients of the Blueprint 2.0 Coworking 101 Initiative based on LCEDC’s application. LCEDC believes by creating and offering a coworking space and encouraging this type of work diversification, Sterling can take advantage and essentially add thousands of potential jobs to the community.

If you are interested in this type of work, currently are doing it, or know someone that does, please click on the link to take the LCEDC survey or forward this information. To learn more about the Coworking Initiative, please contact Trae Miller, LCEDC Executive Director, 970-521-7196 or

Remote Work & Telecommuting Survey

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